ATTENTION: This is a limited-Time offer and Prices Will Be Increasing Soon.

Finally! Your Part-Time Salesforce Consultant...

Even if You Have a Limited Budget

Sales and Technology Consultants provides remote, part-time Salesforce administration and development for a fixed, low monthly price and no contracts.

Get Faster Results:

No more waiting around to hire an employee, freelancer, offshore developer or your husband's cousin's friend's son to fix that urgent Salesforce error or publish a blog post.

Build a Team:

Need a Salesforce consultant or certified administrator today, a content pro tomorrow and a developer next week? No problem! With Sales and Technology Consultants, you've got them all at your fingertips whenever you need them!

Save Money:

Forget about spending thousands of dollars to train new resources or overpaying an expensive agency. We'll be here standing by whenever you need our help and giving you a better ROI. Simple easy to understand flat-rate monthly pricing means you get to focus on the important work of growing your business.


We have years of experience setting-up, maintaining, and customizing Salesforce to meet the needs of our clients. Here are just a few things we do every day...

User Administration

Hire a new employee? Had to let someone go? Sales and Technology can setup new users, deactivate users who are no longer at your company, run audit report, and reclaim unused licenses.

Reports and Dashboards

Salesforce has a rich reporting platform, but most people don't take full advantage of all that it offers. Just tell us what kind of report you'd like to see, and we'll do the rest!

Custom Objects and Fields

Give up cumbersome spreadsheets. We can help you setup custom objects and fields so that you can organize, manage, and report on all your data in Salesforce!

Custom Page Layouts

Salesforce is highly customizable. Want a new field on your screen or see your fields in a specific order? We can setup a custom page layout just the way you want it.

Business Process Automation

Want to make Salesforce work for you? We can help you automate complex data tasks, schedule reports to be sent, send emails, and pretty much anything else you can think of.

Data Backup and Restore

Salesforce backs-up data in the cloud, but that doesn't save you if you accidentally delete records, or entire objects. We can implement a backup strategy that's right for your business.


We offer easy, simple, straight-forward, month-to-month pricing with no long-term contracts. Downgrade, upgrade, or cancel any time!


$1,500 per month

$1,000 per month

  • Up to 10 users


$3,000 per month

$2,500 per month

  • 11 to 50 users


$15,000 per month

$8,000 per month

  • More than 50 users
Next Steps

What happens next?

After you sign up below, your transaction will be processed immediately and you'll be assigned a dedicated U.S.-based Salesforce Consultant who will be your main point of contact. You'll have a kickoff meeting within 2-3 business days to discuss how to submit and monitor requests and how to use our online help desk. 

How do I send my tasks now and later?

We'll explain more about this during our kickoff call. However, if you have an urgent request and don't want to wait for your kickoff call, you can submit it via email to support immediately after you sign up. 

Our entire team is notified instantly every time you submit a new request to that email address, and your ticket is usually assigned to someone within an hour or two during U.S. business hours. We typically begin working on your active tasks within 24 business hours (usually the same day!), but the exact turnaround times will vary depending upon the complexity of the task, which package you choose and what other tasks we are handling for you.

How will my tasks be prioritized?

When each task is finished, we'll add another task from your queue to our active task list. We will work on your tasks in the order in which they are received unless we hear otherwise from you. Although we can begin working on active tasks within the first 24 business hours, we can't commit to always having every single task completed on the same business day. This service works best for companies who have consistent, ongoing tasks, but not necessarily ones that are ALWAYS "fire drills" or emergencies. Still, we can usually respond quickly if critical tasks arise and need to be completed as soon as possible.

Have more questions? We can't wait to help you get better results.

Step 1: Contact Information
Step 2: Billing Information
Step 3: Select your plan
Your charge will be processed automatically when you click the button below and every month moving forward until you cancel with 30 days' notice. You'll be able to submit tasks immediately using our online help desk or via email, and your digital marketing manager will reach out to schedule your kickoff call within the next 1-2 business days.

Copyright © 2021 - Sales and Technology Consultants.